Candy Crush: CHANEL FACTORY 5 Pop-Up

Candy Crush is where I write about scent-related things that I’m currently obsessed with.

So, remember last week when I revealed that CHANEL is celebrating the centenary of Nº5 with FACTORY 5, a collection of limited edition products? Well, there is more! Whilst I shared with you five of the star products, there is actually a total of 17. You can head over to CHANEL’s website and check out the full range by clicking here (I have the paint tin of shower gel and the Nº5 water bottle in my sights), but today I want to talk to you about the pop up CHANEL FACTORY 5 experiences that will soon be appearing around the world, and specifically here in the UK at Selfridge’s Corner Shop, London.

The idea behind CHANEL FACTORY 5 is to reconcile worlds, that of the consumer goods factory and the codes of a Luxury House and its iconic perfume, N°5. 


To celebrate Nº5 and the launch of CHANEL FACTORY 5, CHANEL is bringing this pop-art inspired, industrial idea into The Corner Shop in Selfridge’s London (and other locations in some of the biggest cities in the world). The idea has been to create a space which, to lovers of Nº5 feels like a theme park, where the entire collection, in all of its monochrome beauty is showcased. I know I’m going to be like a kid in a candy store, for sure.

The pop up runs from 05-31 July and allows members of the public to get up close and personal with the collection, offering an entertaining journey around the 17 products within the CHANEL FACTORY 5 collection. The factory setting gives us the opportunity to follow the products through the various production line workstations, culminating in a visit to the factory store where playful product demonstrations can be viewed. It sounds like a lot of fun and what’s more, if you can’t make it to the pop-up in person, there is a digital experience you can view on the CHANEL website.

I can’t wait to visit!

Will you be visiting? What do you have your eyes on?


Images via CHANEL. This is not a sponsored post.